Produse pentru fereastra cu dublu geam (5)

Sticlă fumurie gri închis

Sticlă fumurie gri închis

Tinted glass is manufactured by adding coloring agents to the raw batch before the melting process. Advantages Offers wide options to designers and customers to create aesthetic and stylish places with its different color alternatives. If used in the exterior, it limits solar heat input into the building, controls the extreme brightness of the sun, and offers a comfortable working and living environment. By its solar control, it reduces the cooling costs.​ Supply opportunities are available in different sizes and colors. Laminated glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, enameled glass, bent glass, coated glass, acid-etched glass, sandblasted glass, and mirrors can be produced by applying secondary processes to tinted glass. Applications Tinted glass offers solutions to non-residential buildings with curtain walls, windows, spandrels, facade claddings, overhead glazing, and balustrades. Also alternative choices for interior applications such as tabletops, shelves, doors, shower cabins, and partitions. Solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened to avoid thermal breakage risks.
Sticlă Izolată - Sistem de Vitrage Dublu

Sticlă Izolată - Sistem de Vitrage Dublu

Double Glazing System
Sticlă Izolantă

Sticlă Izolantă

İki veya daha çok camın arasına, ortam basıncına uygun kuru hava veya arg kripton, xenon gibi ağır gazları barındıracak şekilde fabrika şartlarında bir araya getirilerek oluşturulan cam ünitesidir. İçinde nem alıcı malzeme bulunan ara boşluk çıtası kullanılarak cam plaka arasında hava veya gaz boşluğu oluşturulur. Cam plakalar ve çıtalar, iç yalıtım malzemesi kullanılarak birleştirilir ve yalıtım camının sızdırmazlığının sağlanması için dış yalıtım malzemesi (poliüretan, silikon vb.) uygulanır.
Sistem de vitrificare pliabil Royal Glass Zitto - Zitto 8 - Sistem de vitrificare pliabil de 24 mm

Sistem de vitrificare pliabil Royal Glass Zitto - Zitto 8 - Sistem de vitrificare pliabil de 24 mm

1.Loadbearing lower case profile within base surface of width is ; 54,5 mm, aforesaid other loadbearing profile; within upper case is 46,4 mm. Existence of these profiles inside; there are two channels operating separately from each other performing the duty of carrier. 2.Through vertical height of lower carrier; cubicle waterspout is implemented. The height of initial cubicle is 11 mm and is inclined. 3.By courtesy of trio cubicle profiles; the exterior is out of sight and air ingression is prevented directly. 4.Under favour of lenghtwise hair cord channel at case profile , hair cord might be implemented continuously. 5.Within moving wing profile; thanks to centering channel ; axial run outs are prevented. Additionally; carrier profile ; preserving any excess sealant within joint of glass and aluminium. 6.Aluminium caps shutting down the wing profile outrightly moreover plastic cap is not used within wings. 7.
Sistem de glisare izolat termic - sistem de glisare pentru balcoane și terase cu geamuri duble și simple

Sistem de glisare izolat termic - sistem de glisare pentru balcoane și terase cu geamuri duble și simple

BKS Luxury Sliding System Is Our New System That Has No Equivalent In The World And Was Recently Added To Our Patented Products. BKS Luxury Sliding System Is Used In Straight, 90 And 135 Degree Angled Structures. It Is Generally Preferred In Cafes, Restaurants And Private Houses. Also Optional It Can Be Automatically Turned On And Off Due To The Engine (Our Own Design And Own Production) That Can Be Controlled By Your Mobile Phone.